If there exists an opposite of Human Right it is not known here. and therefore, here it may suffice to be considered to be Injustice. Injustice is the opposite of Justice and anything that can be classified as not being a Human Right could not be called Justice and indeed be the opposite of Human Rights or Injustice. As discussed in the Essential “Human Rights” anything that excludes an individual a group, society or any description of human being’s can therefore not be called a Human Right. When it can be classified as not being just it must be classified as unjust to those who are excluded from something that is called a Human Right. Thus, it can be seen that the opposite of Human Right may just be called an Injustice. Here it is not so much a matter of whether the opposite of Human Right is Injustice but to gain a solid understanding of what must be incorporated into a philosophy of Justice for every human being on the planet. If a society considers itself a Just society and isolates itself from the rest of the world, it can never ever be classified as a just society but has every right to be called an unjust society. Although verbose the above is plain simplicity.
Much Love, Founder.