There are two things that enable two individuals or a group to have a good and lasting relationship on a basis of exchange. They are vital in their concept as opposed to just a definition. First it must be recognized what a human being would be, if they were to be in harmony. The human being consists of two diametrically opposed components which are one, their body and two their beingness, true nature, soul, THEMSELVES or whatever an individual considers the title of this second component to be. First is the recognition of the characteristics of the physical body, which operates on the same basis as the animal, since it is animalistic in nature. Upon close examination it can be observed that the animal’s contentment comes from ‘taking’ whatever their genetic entity requires for survival or to simply concentrate on Take. Although the Human Being has and controls a body with the same inherent characteristics of the animal, they have a much greater ability to postulate, create, support each other and other beneficial characteristics. It is these characteristics, although fully suppressed, that create the notion that the Human Beings contentment is derived from Giving. Thus, it is that in order for the Human Being to gain true contentment, they first of all have to lean to give. Only then are they in a position to learn how to take without operating on the basis of ‘taking’ like the animal. This is the understanding and mechanism that can provide true contentment for a Human Being.
Much Love, Founder.